- Pier Franco Marcenaro is the Guide of the School of Spirituality, with its Headquarters in Italy and working in many countries of the world.
He is the author of several books translated into 15 languages, indicating a Path based on high spiritual, moral and social values to achieve spiritual realization, happiness and the true meaning of life.
- A Master of the highest Order of Spirituality and Life, Pier Franco Marcenaro is also President of the World Interreligious Center, whose main duty is to re-discover the highest spiritual values of the human being and to promote love between people of different cultures and religions.
- In this role he has presided over three editions of the "World Conference for the Peace and Welfare of Nations", in 1999, 2002 and 2005 welcoming delegates from all over the world and religious and political authorities under the patronage, respectively, of the Italian Presidency of Counsel of Ministers, the European Commission and the United Nations (U.N.).
- After his carreer as director of leading international companies, Master Pier Franco Marcenaro now dedicates himself completely to service of humanity, and particularly to the spiritual needs of human beings, teaching the highest form of meditation, the Universal Meditation, to the sincere seekers, the task inherited from his Master Sant Kirpal Singh (see his Brief Biography below). In particular such meditation puts the human spirit in contact with the Divine Power which is called Holy Ghost by the Bible and manifested itself to the Apostles as Celestial Light and Sound (see Acts 2,1-4).
- Only an elevated inner realization can create harmony within man and therefore bring peace, prosperity and happiness to his communities and to the whole world.
- Master Pier Franco Marcenaro has held many conferences, talking in important venues around the world such as: Barry University - Miami (USA), Golden West College - Los Angeles (USA), Rote Kreuz and Marmorsaal - Nurmberg (Germany), Congress Palace - Barcelona (SPAIN), University of Cluj-Napoca (ROMANIA), Hall of the Republic - Kishinev (MOLDOVA), Loews (MONTE CARLO), Tower Village - Sharm-el-Sheik (EGYPT), The Internet Conference Hall - Accra (GHANA), Lajpat Nagar - New Delhi (INDIA), Valdese University- Rome (ITALY), German Museum Conference Hall, and Vitalis Conference Hall of Munich (GERMANY), Chamber of Commerce Hall - Bogota (COLOMBIA), Semionovski Hall - Moscow (RUSSIA), Baltic Countries Hall - St. Petersburg (RUSSIA) and many more.
Pier Franco Marcenaro, in the center, presides the "Third World Conference for the Peace and Prosperity of the Nations"
under the patronage of the United Nations (U.N.) in June 2005
- His conferences have always been attended with great interest by people of every age, sex, faith, race or social status.
Conference in the crowded Aula Magna of the Ca 'Foscari University in Venice, held by Pier Franco Marcenaro under the patronage of the Municipality
and the Province of Venice, April 2013.
Pier Franco Marcenaro explaines the benefits of meditation at the "National Research Council" (CNR) in Pisa, October 2016.
- CHILDHOOD. Born in Lunigiana (Tuscany, Italy) where his parents moved from the city of La Spezia to escape the fury of the 2nd world war. From childhood he showed a notable predisposition to spirituality.
- A MIRACULOUS VISIT. When seven years old, while sitting in a meadow in front of his house, he received a miraculous visit from Hazur Sawan Singh, the famous Saint from Beas, which raised him to a state of cosmic beatitude, irradiating him with his splendor. Only twenty years later he discovers the true identity of that extraordinary Visitor, who leaves in him an unforgettable impression and indescribable bliss.
- HIGH SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE. When just twenty years old he began dedicating himself intensely to the study of the great Masters of the spirit and to meditation.
His sincere dedication attracted Divine Grace and one morning while meditating on a hill immersed in the woods of Lunigiana he was surrounded by a great light which elevated him to a dimension beyond time and space, immersing him in divine contemplation, in a state of ecstasy or samadhi. This state of consciousness lasted for the entire next three days and profoundly influenced the course of his life.
- TRAVELING TO THE EAST. That same year he left for a long journey of spiritual search which lead him across Greece, Turkey, Persia (Iran), Pakistan and India, during which he came into contact with Greek-Orthodox Christian mystics, Sufis of Islam and yogis from the Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh traditions.
- MEETING THE MASTER. In New Delhi he met Sant Kirpal Singh - the spiritual heir of the great Master Hazur Sawan Singh - today considered one of the greatest spiritual Masters of all times, who was also called upon, because of the universality and highness of his message, to preside over the "World Fellowship of Religions" which includes all the major religions of the world. He initiated Pier Franco into the Path of Spirituality on January 1968 imparting him the contact with the Divine Word, the experience of Celestial Light and Harmony, called Holy Ghost by the Bible, Naam, Shabd, Kalma etc. in other religions.
- THREE DAYS IN SAMADHI. So strong was the impact of this experience that the young Italian remained seated in meditation on a mat for three consecutive days and nights without interruption, enraptured in a state of highest consciousness or samadhi. Once he came out of this extraordinary experience, he spent the following five months in a state of absorption in Divine consciousness, traveling with Master Kirpal Singh across Northern India. This is the supreme experience that has characterized the major Masters of the Spirit.
- SPIRITUAL ASSIGNMENT. In the morning of January 18, 1968, while with him in the city of Ludhiana, Punjab, Kirpal Singh revealed to Pier Franco Marcenaro that he would cover the role of Master of the highest Order after Hazur and himself, so that Spirituality could continue to give comfort to the suffering humanity.
- THE HIGHEST GOAL. Once back in Europe, he sought to pursue the integration between the highest Eastern mysticism, the Christian culture and the practical realization capacity typical of the Western countries. While achieving the highest spiritual goals, he thus reached the position of Director in important companies. For the first time in modern history the best qualities of the East and the West were perfectly united and completed in him to form a complete man both in the inner realization and in the active and social life.
- STARTING HIS MISSION. In 1972 Sant Kirpal Singh visited Milan and Rome. Two years later, in 1974, He passed away and Pier Franco Marcenaro, who was 33 years old at that time, collected His spiritual heritage, that had been already assigned to him in 1968. He started to impart the practical teachings of the spiritual Path he had realized at the feet of his Master (Universal Meditation) and founded Man Center a non profit association for the rebirth of human and spirituals values, which is present today in several countries of the world. His activity of service also toward the needy, in favor of world peace and preservation of nature, granted him respect and the consent of social, political and religious leaders as well.
- Since 1974, through the School of Spirituality Master Pier Franco Marcenaro imparts the practical teachings of the meditation on the Divine Word, the Celestial Light and Harmony called Holy Ghost by the Bible (see Acts 2,1-4) or Om, Naam, Shabd, Kalma, etc. in other religious traditions, a natural method taught by the greatest Masters of different times and places (Universal Meditation).
- The School of Spirituality, being an interreligious School, is open to people from any religious tradition, without the need to abandon one's original religion.
- Master Pier Franco Marcenaro imparts his teachings completely free of charge. He lives and supports himself with his savings and pension from his job as director.
>> Master Pier Franco on WikividyA, the Encyclopaedia of the Spirit

- SPIRITUAL LEGACY. In the morning of January 18, 1968, while he was traveling with Sant Kirpal Singh in Punjab, in the city of Ludhiana, Pier Franco Marcenaro received from the great Master personally the duty of continuing the spiritual work after Hazur and Himself. To confirm this, Sant Kirpal Singh made evident in several talks of his – both with Indians and Western disciples – the extraordinary evolution of the young Italian disciple, who, after his initiation into the Path of Spirituality, remained for three consecutive days sitting without interruption in meditation on a mat, enraptured in a state of samadhi or absorption in Divine consciousness. The exact words of Master Kirpal Singh about this event are reported in the July-August 1991 issue of the American magazine “Go Jolly!” part two, page 13, as follows:
Master said, "You must rise above body-consciousness." He said, "There is a Group Leader from Milan who came here for Initiation. His soul left his body and did not come down for three days, and I had to come and feed him water. We carried him around when we went traveling." And he (Master) just said how he was sitting there in a meditative position and he just never came down - he refused to come down. He just went up and stayed there. And I know someone who was there when this happened. And when he came down, Master said to him, "You have to be very strong! You have to go in There, and be very strong!" (From, “Report of a visit to India, 1973” by Ruth Seader)
Sant Kirpal Singh holds the microphone for his favorite disciple Pier Franco Marcenaro, who is speaking
(Milan, Italy, Yoga Institute, September 5, 1972)
Conference at Barry University in Miami, USA, in November 1998.
For his high spiritual realization, Sant Kirpal Singh held also the position of the President of “World Fellowship of Religions”, including all major religions of the world.
In this role he met Pope Paul VI in Rome in 1963
Conference at the Semionovski Hall of Moscow, May 2007.
Initiation into the Path of meditation imparted by Master Pier Franco Marcenaro in Kishinev (Moldova), June 2, 2013. During His visit to East Europe of May – June 2013, 316 persons were set on the Divine Path. 77 of them contemplated at their first sitting the Radiant Form of the Master and 13 heard the Sound of bagpipe, which comes from the Fifth Plane – the Superior Paradise – called the “House of the Father” by Christ and “Sach Khand” (the Kingdom of Truth) by Guru Nanak. Others saw different manifestations of Divine Light and Sound.
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"School of Spirituality"
Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Malta, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, United States, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Australia, New Zealand
Press Review
- "Man Center holds courses based on the common principles of all the great traditions of the world, aiming at improving man by enabling him to live a truly harmonious and altruistic life. The Center works as an ecumenical pole where it is possible to compare different experiences." - (from the Italian newspaper Il Tirreno )
- "During the conferences held in California, Florida and Romania, the director of Man Center, Marcenaro, discussed about the common elements between different cultures and religious traditions, underlining the need for authentic inner values for modern man." - (from the Italian newspaper La Nazione)
- "The aim is to create peace and harmony between people and nations with different cultures, nationalities and religions by developing the best capacities inside every human being." - (from the Italian newspaper La Stampa)
- "It is a very popular current issue: the interaction between different cultures and religions as a starting point to achieve the moral and spiritual rebirth of humanity." - (from the Italian newspaper Il Giorno)
- "Pier Franco Marcenaro, International Peace Award, has pointed out the rebirth of high moral, social and spiritual values as the way to achieve a solution to the serious problems of the planet." - (from the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero)
- "Man Center proposes a message for a new man who finds the time to stop and look inside himself without giving up his social commitments. Once he achieves inner harmony his life will be based on peace and service." - (from the Italian newspaper Il Secolo XIX)